
More Vitality & Happy Life


Mental health IoT solution “Mind Plus”

Convergence of the “state-of-the-art brain engineering technology of BCI & meditation”

Provides the optimized meditation and relaxation environment utilizing light, video therapy, white noise, etc.
Takes care of mental health such as stress relief and prevents/treats depression and PTSD

Simultaneous analysis of brainwave/heart rate   Analyzes everyday conditions such as stress and brain activation
Measures and analyzes light, images, and white noise   Measures and selects alpha waves effective for brain activation and stress relief

Provides the optimized meditation and relaxation environment utilizing light, white noise, etc.

How to use 01 Measures everyday conditions
Measures brainwave and heart rate in real time while the eyes open/close   Measures general conditions such as ordinary tension and stress

- How to measure: Measures change in brainwave and heart rate in real time for two minutes
while the eyes open and close, respectively, four minutes in total
- Analysis details: Concentration, brain stability, tension, stress, etc.

How to use 02 Measures light, images, and white noise suitable for relaxation, stress relief, and meditation

Measures the customized relaxation and meditation solutions using the characteristics of brainwave such as alpha waves (8-12Hz) generated when feeling relaxed

  Suggests a result where the user can relax the most, selecting a desired combination of light, images, white noise, etc.
How to use 03 Creates a relaxation and meditation environment optimized for the current state
with a combination of a light, image, and white noise

Gives a relaxation and meditation time for 2–4 minutes depending
on the measurement result in order to maximize relaxation

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